Josh Miller

I want to maximize the service I can give to others in the most requisite of all human needs – healthcare.
I recently transitioned from the active-duty military where I served as Civil Military Operations Center Chief for the US Army, 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion. I was commissioned in 2014 and began as an Air Defense officer before transitioning to Civil Affairs. I deployed four times; each deployment was both challenging and rewarding in its own unique way. Originally, I’m from Wisconsin. I graduated from West Point with a degree in economics in 2014. The Army sent me to several military schools—including Airborne, Air Assault, and SERE.
God blessed me with a beautiful wife and daughter. I’m incredibly excited to finally be able to spend more time with them and further my education. I enjoy woodworking and am currently building my daughter a crib. My wife and I just bought a home in New York— but it’s in desperate need of restoration. Any free time I have will definitely be going towards this remodeling effort.
What drew you to pursue an MHA degree?
I’m very proud of my time and service in the military. But now it’s time for me to come home and have a lasting impact that will cultivate meaningful change in my local community as well. An MHA will equip me with the knowledge and skillset needed to be an effective manager within the healthcare system, improving the quality of healthcare services provided. Additionally, I believe this will lead to advancing local public health objectives and the quality of my community’s healthcare system as a whole. This is very important to me.
What are your career goals post-MHA?
I want to maximize the service I can give to others in the most requisite of all human needs – healthcare. My goals are to promote preventative care and improve access to healthcare services for underserved districts and neighborhoods. I aspire to achieve this as an administrator at a hospital or clinic in my local community.