Sophia Castaldo

Discovering Dartmouth’s MHA, I felt an immediate click – its curriculum and mission are centered around developing business skills to make an impact within the healthcare industry. That was exactly what I was looking for.
I am a Project Coordinator at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts where I oversee projects relating to managing the quality of healthcare services provided by BCBSMA’s network of physicians and organizational providers. I graduated from Kenyon College with a degree in psychology in 2020. Following graduation, I worked as a residence counselor at McLean Hospital’s Lincoln Residence, delivering supportive psychiatric care through individual and group counseling. After discovering that my interests lay beyond direct care, I joined BCBSMA.
I love to run and have (trepidatiously!) signed up for my first marathon in November. In my free time when I’m not running, I’m probably reading a book. After trying and failing to start a book club, I now prioritize neurotically updating my GoodReads account and its ever-growing list of books-I-want-to-read. Beyond reading and running, I also love live music and always say “yes” when my friends want to go see a show.
What drew you to pursue an MHA degree?
I have always wanted to make a meaningful difference in healthcare. And after professional experiences in both managed and direct care, I knew I needed further education to develop the skills necessary to efficiently problem-solve for healthcare institutions and to promote the best possible health outcomes. I believe that Dartmouth’s MHA will allow me to develop the advanced knowledge required to improve equity and affordability within healthcare delivery.
Why Dartmouth?
As I initially considered graduate school, I looked primarily at MBA programs, feeling that they were my best shot to grow my business acumen and develop strategic and operational expertise. However, I was deeply impacted by my experiences serving patients, and was motivated to make the system of care delivery better for them. I knew I wanted to grow within the healthcare space.
Discovering Dartmouth’s MHA, I felt an immediate click – its curriculum and mission are centered around developing business skills to make an impact within the healthcare industry. That was exactly what I was looking for. What sealed the deal for me was the opportunity to choose the flexible two-year completion track, so I could continue to further my professional career, while developing high-level academic expertise.
Learning from world-class faculty, supported by Dartmouth’s extensive resources, has expanded my world of knowledge. And doing so alongside my peers, whose expertise spans across all areas of healthcare, has been deeply rewarding.”
What has been the best part of the program for you – so far?
In my opinion, the best part of the program so far has been the site visits, where we traveled to different healthcare facilities during our on-campus residential session. Contextualizing what we had been learning in the classroom was very impactful. Connecting with experts and leaders across rural healthcare left me inspired, and eager to learn more.
The career services support has also been phenomenal. I landed a consulting interview at the beginning of the residential session, and immediately turned to career services staff for support and guidance. I was also able to connect with my classmates, who gave me valuable resources and talked me through the entire process.
What are your career goals post-MHA?
Post-Dartmouth-MHA, I’m eager to capitalize on my newly developed business acumen and public health knowledge to pursue strategic opportunities within healthcare. I’m hopeful to leverage the knowledge and leadership developed through the MHA to consulting roles.
What would you tell a friend or colleague who was considering Dartmouth’s MHA program?
Dartmouth’s MHA is mission-driven, focused on not only providing excellent education, but developing thoughtful leaders within healthcare. This mission attracts students who are committed to promoting equity and access, who are also deeply passionate about the transformation of the healthcare industry. Learning alongside them offers a wealth of experiences and perspectives, that will shift the way you think about approaching problems and developing comprehensive solutions.