MHA students in a class discussion

An Ivy League MHA degree designed specifically for early and mid-career professionals

Our MHA students want to make a difference in the health care landscape. They come to Dartmouth with strong personal or professional backgrounds oriented towards health care, and have realized that change needs to happen at a higher level. Each wants to take the next step in their career but needs education and training in health systems, economics, and operations to do so. Once at Dartmouth, students learn from world-renowned business and medical minds and gain the skills necessary to lead teams and affect change. Students are busy professionals, many of whom work full-time while studying. Our MHA program employs Dartmouth's innovative structure of intimate, rigorous master’s degree programs delivered primarily with distance learning technologies, so learners can continue to work while earning a degree.

If you are a physician or executive leader with 10+ years of experience in health care, please explore Dartmouth's Master of Health Care Delivery Science (MHCDS) degree program here.


Our student population is diverse in roles and backgrounds, where each pupil brings enriching and engaging experiences to class discussions. This program design allows students to interface with peers from teams and industries highly relevant to an advanced career in health care. Dartmouth MHA students are:

Health Care Managers & Administrators

Current health care managers or administrators who wish to advance their own careers and gain a deeper understanding of health care systems, management, finance, operations, policy, and strategic planning will benefit greatly from the MHA program.


Early-career clinicians such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals who want to take on administrative roles will enhance their understanding of business and management in health care through our MHA.

Health-Related Degree Holders

Individuals who have completed an undergraduate degree in health care-related fields such as public health, health sciences, health informatics, or health policy and wish to specialize in health care administration will gain skills and training to advance their careers.

Other Experienced Professionals & Leaders

Dartmouth's MHA gives experienced non-health care professionals the tools they need to pivot into health care. Those with extensive backgrounds in business, law, policy, information technology, or military who aspire to work specifically in the health care sector and want to acquire knowledge of health care systems, regulations, and policies are great candidates.

Requirements for all applicants: 

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
  • A minimum of two years of professional experience and/or currently employed in the health or human services field (for waiver information, contact the admissions office).


Meet with Our Admissions Team

Questions about our program? Book a one-on-one call with an admissions team member to learn more about Dartmouth's MHA. Schedule a call with us.

Join Our Next Webinar

Connect with members of our MHA Program Team and explore how Dartmouth's MHA program could be the right next step on your career journey. Sign up today!

If you want to organize and lead the delivery of health care, apply and join us.

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